About us
TECHNOLOGY & ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT, founded in 2012 and now established after 10 years in the market as a private company dedicated to environmental consulting, advice and monitoring for engineering, development and planning projects in the mining, hydrocarbon, energy, food production and agriculture sectors.
TEA is recognized as an organisation that is a leader in the solution of social and environmental problems through environmental consulting and advice, to achieve comprehensive and balanced management of natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable.
The sustainable management of the environment, the strengthening of trust through the implementation of practices that make each of the projects transparent.
At TEA we contribute to the conservation of natural resources and for this purpose we involve women as a fundamental part of the management of strategic development projects, that allow us to bring well-being to all citizens.
Estamos comprometidos con los retos del país, involucrados en los desafíos con sus ciudadanos, prioritariamente con las mujeres y, a través de ellas, con sus familias.
Transparencia, Honestidad y Honradez
En el desarrollo de nuestros actos, en el manejo de la información y en el trato con nuestros clientes, colaboradores, proveedores, autoridades y la comunidad.
Trabajo en Equipo
Sustentamos nuestro trabajo en la creación de equipos donde la confianza mutua, comunicación horizontal y desarrollo individual y personal es la meta para alcanzar.
Buscamos continuamente la innovación en los procesos tanto administrativos como operacionales, que nos ayuden a lograr la
diferenciación en el servicio que brindamos.
Management team
Management team
We have a wide range of environmental monitoring equipment, always at the forefront of technology and in perfect operating condition, which is why our client portfolio is made up of the largest and most prestigious environmental laboratories in the country.
TEA has created the area of environmental supervision with a preventive approach in the face of possible inspections by national and international environmental entities and/or institutions.
TEA has created the area of environmental supervision with a preventive approach in the face of possible inspections by national and international environmental entities and/or institutions.
Preparation of IGAs (EIA, DIA; ITS, execution of environmental monitoring, biological monitoring, physical chemical monitoring (air, soil, water).